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发布时间:2021-05-27 作者:高校人才引进网


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  本课题组致力于研究细胞命运转变的调控机理,主要包括两方面内容:一是研究细胞再生的调控机制从而理解人和高等哺乳动物的全能性、早期发育和体内再生;二是探索神经系统衰老和退行性疾病的机制。此外,课题组也特别关注RNA相关生物学问题,如RNA代谢、修饰、互作蛋白组学及其在相关生理或病理过程中的功能和机制。目前已有相关研究成果发表在Cell Stem Cells、Nature Methods、Nature Cell Biology等著名国际杂志上。课题组也积极开发和使用前沿技术来解决细胞命运转变中的基本问题,如单细胞测序、空间转录组学 (Ao et al., bioRxiv 2021)、基于点击化学的RNA互作组学 (Bao et al., Nature Methods 2018)和新开发的人全能细胞培养体系等。

  课题组由Miguel Angel Esteban研究员领导,现有研究员、副研究员、博士后、技术人员、博士生和硕士生组成的团队30余人。实验室设备齐全,拥有先进的实验平台和前沿的研究方向。课题组学术氛围浓厚,且研究方向是高度跨学科的,可为有兴趣追求该行业的学术型或领导型职位的研究人员提供良好的学习环境。课题组内部同时使用中文和英文进行交流,国内申请人需具备基本的英语沟通能力。课题组主持或参与过国家科技部、国家自然科学基金委、广东省和广州市以及跨国联合等多项基金和项目,其中Esteban研究员于2011年作为首位"973"项目外裔首席科学家,曾多次获得国家级和省部级奖项,如2017年中国科学院优秀科学技术奖、2018年中国干细胞研究学会创新奖、2018年国家友谊奖、2019年广东省自然科学一等奖等。













  ●        获得细胞生物学/生物化学/生物信息学或其他生物学相关学科博士学位。

  ●        具有分子生物学技术和细胞培养,或RNA生物学,或系统生物学和生物信息学方面的专业知识。

  ●        对科研事业有浓厚兴趣,有独立开展课题的能力,富有团队合作精神。

  ●        在国内外优秀期刊发表过有影响力的研究论文、研究成果突出者优先考虑。







  1.        Large field of view-spatially resolved transcriptomics at nanoscale resolution. Ao Chen, Sha Liao, Mengnan Cheng, Kailong Ma, Liang Wu, Yiwei Lai,……, Miguel A. Esteban*, Yuxiang Li, Longqi Liu, Jian Wang, and Xun Xu. BioRxiv preprint 2020. *Corresponding author

  2.        WNT/β-catenin signalling reduces BRD4 dependence in ground state pluripotency by reinforcing the transcriptional apparatus. Meng Zhang, Yiwei Lai, Vladislav Krupalnik,……, Jacob Hanna and Miguel A. Esteban*. Science Advances 2020. *Corresponding author

  3.        JMJD3 acts in tandem with KLF4 to facilitate reprogramming to pluripotency. Yinghua Huang, Hui Zhang,……, Miguel A. Esteban* and Baoming Qin. Nature Communications 2020. *Corresponding author

  4.        NCoR/SMRT co-repressors cooperate with c-MYC to create an epigenetic barrier to somatic cell reprogramming. Zhuang Q, Li W, Benda C,……, Miguel A. Esteban*. Nature Cell Biology 2018. *Corresponding author

  5.        Capturing the interactome of newly transcribed RNA. Bao X, Guo X, Yin M,……,Zhang B and Miguel A. Esteban*. Nature Methods 2018. *Corresponding author

  6.        Generation of Human Liver Chimeric Mice with Hepatocytes from Familial Hypercholesterolemia Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Yang J,……, Miguel A. Esteban* and Tse HF. Stem Cell Reports 2017. *Corresponding author

  7.        The p53-induced lincRNA-p21 derails somatic cell reprogramming by sustaining H3K9me3 and CpG methylation at pluripotency gene promoters. Xichen Bao, Haitao Wu, Xihua Zhu,……, Biliang Zhang and Miguel A. Esteban*. Cell Research 2015. *Corresponding author

  8.        Transcriptional pause release is a rate-limiting step for somatic cell reprogramming. Liu L, Xu Y,……,Wang J and Miguel A. Esteban*. Cell Stem Cell 2014. *Corresponding author

  9.        Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from urine samples. Zhou T, Benda C, ……,Dunzinger S, Huang Y, Pei D and Miguel A. Esteban*. Nature Protocols 2012. *Corresponding author

  10.        Modeling Abnormal Early Development with Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Aneuploid Syndromes. Li W, Wang X, Fan W,……,Pei D and Miguel A. Esteban*. Human Molecular Genetics 2012. *Corresponding author

  11.        Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from urine. Zhou T, Benda C, Duzinger S,……, Grillari J, Grillari-Voglauer R, Pei D and Miguel A. Esteban*. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2011. *Corresponding author

  12.        Rescue of ATP7B function in hepatocyte-like cells from Wilson's disease induced pluripotent stem cells using gene therapy or the chaperone drug curcumin. Zhang S, Chen S,……,Pei D and Miguel A. Esteban*. Human Molecular Genetics 2011. *Corresponding author

  13.        A mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition initiates and is required for the nuclear reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts. Li R, Liang J,……,Miguel A. Esteban* and Pei D. Cell Stem Cell 2010. *Corresponding author

  14.        Vitamin C enhances the generation of mouse and human induced pluripotent stem cells. Miguel A. Esteban, Wang T, Qin B,……, Zeng L and Pei D. Cell Stem Cell 2010.

  15.        VHL Inactivation Induces HEF1 and Aurora Kinase A. Xu J, Li H, Wang B,……,Pei D and Miguel A. Esteban*. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2010. *Corresponding author

